Ongoing Design Research Project

The picturesque Bavarian countryside with its mountains, lakes, and blooming landscapes - or are they mainly rasterized areas and squares in green and brown?
After the hunger years of the Second World War and the founding of the European Economic Community, the goal was set: There should never be hunger in Europe again. To achieve this, the agriculture of the Federal Republic of Germany was to be revolutionized by the Green Plan. The land consolidation, which has been pursued with idealistic goals since 1954, today more than ever shows its downsides. The loss of biodiversity, soil quality, and "small businesses" are just some of the consequences. It is also about the loss of cultural sites and contemporary history, as well as the fading image of what we perceive as beautiful landscape. These processes served as a catalyst for the establishment of global agricultural structures and symbolize the objectification of raw materials and "nature" in favor of a capitalist domination and evaluation logic.
Yesterday terraforming, today village development, tomorrow tentacular agriculture.
A guide to land disturbance.

The project was last presented at the Earth Centered Design exhibition as part of the MCBW.
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